“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
— Oscar Wilde
Fiction: Post-apocalyptic, Speculative, Existential Fantasy, Surrealist Meta- fiction.
Non-Fiction: Interdisciplinary, Systems and Complexity Theory, Narrative and Myth, Geopolitics, Environmental and Ecological studies.
Selection of Past Releases
Fiction Books
This is the story of those Fallen who walk amongst us, and hints of the dark world that is to come. Take a mad ride past the event horizon of sanity with Lilith, Dionysus, and their band Babylon in this Myth-punk vision of an alternate universe where 2012 went quite differently.
A fully-illustrated, full-color modern fairy-tale about death, loss, and finding redemption in the strangest places.
Our Kickstarter was phenomenally successful—fully funded in 24 hours, hand-picked by the Kickstarter staff as a “#Project We Love”.
Our full color exclusive Limited Edition Hardback came out beautifully and were distributed to backers. A small number of copies are being held for future Cons, reach out privately if you would like to secure one for yourself.
B&W edition now available on Amazon!
Nonfiction Books
A peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary anthology featuring many notable scholars and artists, exploring the complex relationships in an artist’s life between fact and fiction, presentation and existence, and critique and creation, within the context of the life and work of select 19th-20th century artists and thinkers on aesthetics. Includes 2 exclusive interviews.
The book on memetics, myth and propaganda: how our narratives define the limits of our political and personal identity through memetics, how any era of civilization may be consigned to myth just as it was defined by it. An exploratory work (dubbed a “zeroeth edition”) NM anticipates many of the themes that would become headline news during the Trump years, and many crucial observations about what’s on the horizon.
A collection of essays written 2012-2016 with a common theme.
Current Podcasts
Web Excerpts
Eccentric and Quite Mad
Bowie’s Occult Art, and the Enigma of the Monster
Masks All The Way Down
A society in epistemic crisis.
Literally Literary Suicide
Yukio Mishima and the irreality of aesthetic.
The FALLEN CYCLE mini-comics:
“Proof of concept” vignettes rather than finished comics, these are free to download…
Bleak isolation, gonzo excess, and android dreams color these free vignettes set in the years that follow Lilith’s disappearance in Party At The World’s End.
Quicknife teaser:
A noir-fantasy based in the Realm of Alterran, 50 years prior to Gran’s story in Tales From When I Had A Face. 10 page pitch comic.
Read more on James’ Medium